Edinburgh & South-East Scotland

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Good Beer Guide 2024 now out!

Friday 6 October 2023

Cover of the 2024 edition of the Good Beer Guide (Iron Maiden cover). The Good Beer Guide is now in its 51st edition and features 4500 of the best real ale pubs in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. The original independent guide to good beer and good pubs also lists every real ale brewery currently operating and their key beers. All entries are researched and selected by members of CAMRA branches.

The 2024 edition was launched in September 2023. There are around 60 pubs, hotels and other outlets open to the public within our branch area in the new Guide. For more information, see the GBG page at the national CAMRA website.